Blogging again!
7:53 AMSo I started blogging again, as my university life has now started! Why is that a reason? Because I am excited !
My name is Isabella, people call me Bella for short, and I'm currently 18 years old. Height and weight, that's confidential to myself! ;) I speak three languages; my mother tongue is Indonesian, second language is English and third language is Mandarin Chinese (Taiwan).
I was a Rotary International exchange student, participating in their Youth Exchange Program in year 2008-2009. I represent one of two people from Indonesia to Taiwan that year. That year definitely was a big transition phase in my life, and even with many 'downs', that year was one of my best years in life! Totally.
This year I graduated from high school, and after passing through all the orientations from my university, I am officially a BiNusian!
Hell yeah! After all the few late nights, finally can rest with peace...
Today marks the first week of lectures I have in my first semester, and in total I have six subjects, which are:
Color Theory, Drawing, Computer Graphics, History of Indonesian Art and Culture, Character Building, Design and Materials, and Academic English.
We were given tasks to do right away from the very first day, but then again, I'm doing something I enjoy,with art history excluded so it doesn't feel that stressful! Everyone would agree to that.
From some months ago, I have already planned a Tumblr art blog, since it seems to be more fitting for an art blog (to me), BUT BUT BUT.... ever since the function of adding pictures from the computer disappeared (copyright problems?) I began to not update anything any more text posts, let alone pictures....because I'm too lazy to upload it first
Point is, for now, BYE BYE TUMBLR! I'm such a selfish person but hey! I should find a blog that fits my interests best right! Some people prefer tumblr even with the troublesome image from the web function--- let them stay loyal to tumblr, I probably will check my tumblr from time to time... but with no updates I suppose. I like their lay out but with the troublesomeness..... I always cancel my plan to update my art blog which I titled Doodl-a-land. -_____-
It all ends to... blogspot again! Simple, and easy to use ain't she. Image-from-computer friendly too! Adds to the joy.
Today marks the first week of lectures I have in my first semester, and in total I have six subjects, which are:
Color Theory, Drawing, Computer Graphics, History of Indonesian Art and Culture, Character Building, Design and Materials, and Academic English.
We were given tasks to do right away from the very first day, but then again, I'm doing something I enjoy,
From some months ago, I have already planned a Tumblr art blog, since it seems to be more fitting for an art blog (to me), BUT BUT BUT.... ever since the function of adding pictures from the computer disappeared (copyright problems?) I began to not update anything any more text posts, let alone pictures....
Point is, for now, BYE BYE TUMBLR! I'm such a selfish person but hey! I should find a blog that fits my interests best right! Some people prefer tumblr even with the troublesome image from the web function--- let them stay loyal to tumblr, I probably will check my tumblr from time to time... but with no updates I suppose. I like their lay out but with the troublesomeness..... I always cancel my plan to update my art blog which I titled Doodl-a-land. -_____-
It all ends to... blogspot again! Simple, and easy to use ain't she. Image-from-computer friendly too! Adds to the joy.
First semester will be packed with drawing, drawing and more drawing--manually! Scanner is A4, so might not accommodate my spiral sketch book! The spiral is such a fatty it takes up so much space, I need to hold the cover of my scanner so it can scan... Camera is more the choice then! I hope the colors are not lost.
Color-fussy. My Color Theory lecturer said, 'Good designers are fussy about colors, and you should be too!' and that raided my mind when it comes to things like this... drawings when scanned can lose quality and needs some editing to make it look great.
My recent... masterpiece? :$ It's titled Wonderland, and this was inspired by Kanon Wakeshima's Lolitawork Libretto, and then combined with my imagination! (Of course). Zoom it in, and see the left side! What scanner does when... you have a sketch book with biiig spiral binder. My signature and the date when I did this artwork are also blurred! Me no photoshop master yet, so I let it be, only edited the image with Auto Color + Auto Levels, and no brightness/contrast whatsoever.
Hopefully, this will be a continuous personal blog of mine. And maybe, plus the arts! Donno if I will combine my personal blog with my art blog, but for now I think I will.
Well then, ta-ta-for-now! :)